[VC Walcot] Holy Inner Tubes.... A New Website!

VC Walcot vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Mar 23 05:59:10 EDT 2012

Hi All,
New WebsiteSo after a week of frenzied activity I've flicked the switch our new website. http://www.vc-walcot.com/ We were planning to do one anyway this year but maybe just not this soon. 
There are a few reasons for getting it done now. One is an expected increased amount of interest generated by Bath Cycle Races, Bike Bath, the future Odd Down Race Track and all the other bike related stuff going on in Bath. Two is the uncertainty of whether our favourable hosting conditions provided by John Stevenson would be able to continue for the foreseeable future. John has been immensely helpful in this are in the past but changes for him on the job front and personally meant there were no guarantees. Most importantly a refresh gives us the opportunity to provide a hub for all club and Sunday Group Ride info plus the ability to link to all the other bike related things going on. Using Twitter (now 100+ followers) and Facebook to feed information about our rides and other points of interest has proven to be very successful but not everybody uses these platforms hence the need for one centralised source. Twitter and Facebook will continue to be used for those who prefer them. It makes sense to cover all bases. 
Towards the end of each week I will post details of the upcoming Sunday Group Ride (leader, route and distance) plus events like our Classics ride and Bath Cycle Races can also be promoted in appropriate way. Have a good look around the site and let me know of any ideas/errors/improvements you see. The format is based on a Tumblr stlye blog template which I've changed to work like a website. It has it's limitations but for the club currently it works well. Time will tell whether it can cope with all the things we require as a club. 
I'd like to extend a big thanks to Low, Mark, John S and Sam Eaton for keeping the old going for so long. It served us well!
Bath Cycle RacesWe're so close to getting the online registrations sorted for all the races in May. Just a few more bits and pieces to sort with risk assessments etc. Jon, as event organiser, is putting a lot of work and the co-organisers hope to have things up and running for entries this weekend. There will be a press release and further info to follow. Keep your eyes peeled. 
Membership RenewalsForms are starting to trickle through from those who were club members last year. The membership form is now available on the website http://www.vc-walcot.com/MembFAQs for download. We're very close to 20 members now so if you've got a form waiting to be filled out and or just haven't got around to it yet send it my way at enquiries at vc-walcot.com. I've confirmed our usual 10% discount with all the main bike shops in Bath. There are some restrictions but I will make this known on the website very soon. I hope to add a couple more 'left-field' discounts once I've had a chat with some contacts at the Bespoked Bristol show.  
Enjoy the weather and check-in to the website to see what's happening with Sunday's Group Ride.
Cheers, Laurie.
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