[VC Walcot] Westbury Wheelers Meet-Up Ride - Sunday 9/12/2012

VC Walcot vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Dec 7 06:23:33 EST 2012

Hi All,
After last week's roll out of the new 'Easy Riders' group ride we're back to normal this, or are we? 
In a change of protocol we're going to have a cake/coffee stop during the ride. Why? Well, a while back Westbury Wheelers contacted the club to see if we'd like to do a joint ride sometime. With the clubs starting their rides in two different places without any real common ground we decided to have a meet-up at one of their usual coffee stop locations. This weekend they're riding to Farrington Farm shop so I've planned a route to meet them there for about 11-30am. Jon Arnold is going to infiltrate their ride and accompany them to Farrington as it's closer to him from Trowbridge. 
Our ride will start, as always, at the usual time of 9-30am opposite the Guildhall. There's a link to the route below. If it's icy again then we can amend it accordingly. We'll be going at the usual pace of approx 15mph to make sure we get there in time. After Farrington we can decide our own routes back to Bath depending on where people live. I can lead a group back to south Bath going through Tunley but others may prefer to take another route; whatever suits. If you want to pick up your club kit from my house then come back with me.
See you on Sunday if you're out.
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