[VC Walcot] Cyclist Magazine Subscription Offer and Other News

VC Walcot vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Aug 28 09:34:03 EDT 2012

Hi All,
Some of you may be aware that there is a new cycling magazine heading our way this month called 'Cyclist' (Future Publishing Types should look away now!). Nick Rearden and John Stevenson have been involved with either writing for or developing the magazine over the last couple of months so there's some genuine local interest there. 
A couple of months ago I was asked to complete a survey of our club dynamics in return for a free copy and an offer code for the rest of you. They are currently offering the first 3 issues for £4 using the code Y0152. A direct link to subscribe is here: http://dennisnet.msgfocus.com/c/11r5swLWppByIkzsnMgoy85uK2 Not a bad deal really, eh?
More info on the magazine is here: http://dennisnet.msgfocus.com/c/11r5ssMB3YSddmAIbUH0cp6SEr
In other news, apologies for the lack of Sunday ride info in recent weeks. This has been caused by a lack of available ride leaders, holidays and collisions with dogs (Jon A). I hope to get things back on track for Sept. Please be aware, however, that this Sunday is our track session at Newport Velodrome and most ride leaders will be attending so a route and distance will need to be sorted on the day for Sunday by those riding. 
The Odd Down track has been consuming a lot of Jon's and my time recently but I'd like to say thank you to everybody who took the time to complete a message of support for the planing application. By all accounts we set some kind of record for comments made in BANES! Sport England have given their blessing to the application as well and that is a significant step forward. It's now sit and wait time to see what happens. I shall try not to appear in the paper again dressed in lycra to promote the track!!
I should be able to do start a kit order in September. I have some new pricing from Kalas so would hope to get a club price list together and out to you all by the end of the month. There is also a new discount structure in place which should make it easier for us to reach the required levels. I'll keep you posted on this.
Finally, we will hold our AGM in October. Traditionally it's been in conjunction with a social event but as there is so much that needs to be covered for 2013 we will have a stand alone meeting of approx 2-3hrs. The venue/date/time will be confirmed 6 weeks in advance along with agenda and elective posts. 

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