[VC Walcot] Club Kit Order

Peter Giddings vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Oct 21 09:50:15 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,


What a busy month. I'd like to thank all of you who came to the open hill climb on the 4th October for your support. It doesn't matter whether you rode, marshalled or spectated, I really appreciated having so many club mates out and I know James did too. We'll be running the event again next year with James as the lead organiser and I'd really like you all to offer him the support you did to me.


Laurie did a great job of organising another clu bill climb championship this year, two climbs very different in character but producing equally impressive rides. Tav showed just what a season of racing can do by stepping up a massive 20seconds from last years time on Shaft Road, definitely worthy of a white jersey.


With some exciting stuff done, and Jon A planning a track dayto give us something to look forward to we need to attend to some house keeping. I need someone to organise the ordering of club kit, it isn't an enormous job and whoever takes it on will be supported by me and the rest of the committee. Getting everyone into the green, cream and pink is really important and so a little bit of salesmanship would also come in handy.


Essentially the role would be:


Plan timing of club kit order (after this one) 

Arrange order details, pricing  and sizing samples from supplier (currently Kalas)

Publicise order with form and pricing to club

Decide on order required for stock

Collect order forms, cheques and process order with supplier

Distribute kit when the big day arrives 


Now that the kit is as we want it it should be fairly straight forward. As I have said I'll help whoever takes it on this time with the rest of the committee in support as well. 


Anyone interested please get back to me on vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk and we can discuss it. Once my cold has cleared I'll see you on a ride soon.




Stay in touch with your friends through Messenger on your mobile
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