BathMTB: Weds Night Lanes Rides

Andy Stewart analogueandy at
Thu Jan 29 16:34:18 EST 2015

Hi All, 

Sorry first for the Christmas Curry notice (lack of).

It was a bit belated but very good (we went back to the Jamoonerr). If anyone fancies meeting up for some other excuse just shout. (Pie and a pint in the Raven one eve?)

In the meantime the Three of Us (me, Kevin and Rich) are still trying to get out every Weds. Lanes at the moment.  We've got a couple of cracking routes we plan to do variations on - up the St Catherines Valley to Marshfield then down to Dyrham, across to Wick then down the Golden Valley to Bitton and railway path home. Another goes out to Avoncliff then up to Westwood, down to Iford up to the A36,  straight across, Hinton Charterhouse then Wellow to theoTwo Tunnels home 40-50km. At least two climbs on each. 

Plus Kevin and I need help working over Rich on his new Green Mean Machine (you need to see it - and pick it up - to believe it!). We think he's got one of those secret electric motors hidden in the bottom bracket!

Hope to catch up with everyone at some point soon. 



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