BathMTB: Ride Report: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (ride report in spagh etti western style)

Boyd, Kevin Kevin.Boyd at
Thu Nov 17 05:02:08 EST 2011

Well it had all the makings of a stand off, Kevin (mr bad) and Chris (mr
good) eyed each other menacingly in the cold drizzle, folk passing by could
sense the tension of the two men and duly gave them a wide berth. The hands
of the clock struck 6.30; "Well" said Mr Bad, "Well" replied the other man
as hands twitched nervously at gear triggers. The silence was broken as a
stranger approached, glances were exchanged as the new man Justin (mr ugly)
asked "Is this it", in unison Mr bad and mr good said "Yep, sure looks like
it". There was a moments silence as the three men all unconsciously shared
the same question "Shall we pack it in and head straight to the pub", but no
these men were professionals. The three men had heard that there was 'a
doings' up at Box, and so they spurred on their three mounts in that
direction. Along the canal they thundered into the cold, foggy and drizzly
evening, each man knowing there was little chance of return. The drizzle
collecting on faces and dripping from chins as each man fought to control
his mount in the wet.   On they rode with only each other and cold foggy
drizzle for comfort, through Box and up into Colerne even the campanologists
fled in sheer terror of the three men's bodaciousness. The three men
thundered on along the road, the fog now so thick the front rider, mr bad,
back lit by the men behind, cast giant grotesque shadows into the black
night sky. Then on start of the final descent they saw them strung across
the path in a wall of blinding white LED light.......The Others, as they
called them selves. From where they came nobody knew for sure, legend had it
they rode the wild back roads looking for lost riders.  The three riders
squared up to the 8 bandits and chatted, The Others knew they could not win
this fight and headed off leaving mr bad, mr good and mr ugly to finish the
last hill back in to the wild town of Bath.

Kevin Boyd
Information and Cyber Security Engineer

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