[VC Walcot] 'Clubrider' - Sunday Group Ride 13th Jan

Velo Club Walcot vc_walcot at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Jan 11 08:17:32 EST 2013

Hi All,
Only one ride leaving the Guildhall this weekend as Mike mentioned earlier today in his email. There's still the Saturday ride option as always but with nobody to officially lead or plan a route. 
Link: http://www.vc-walcot.com/post/40248458166/clubrider-sunday-group-ride-13th-jan
After a chat amongst some of the ride leaders this week regarding the volume of people out riding last Sunday I've made a few changes to the guidelines for our long standing Sunday ride http://www.vc-walcot.com/Weekend%20Group%20Rides It's great to have so many out riding with the club but we have be concious of safety and what the rides are trying to provide for cyclists. We also have to protect the ride leaders a little. Sometimes it can be a daunting prospect trying to control a group of 15+ riders to be frank. As the Easyrider group progresses and finds its feet I will also produce a set of guidelines for that too. Nick and Jon have been doing a great job with this ride but if numbers continue to grow some more structure will be required.
The success of the name 'Easyrider' has led me to update our standard ride to be now called 'Clubrider' to help everybody understand the difference in speeds and abilities (thanks to Mike Young for the idea). We may add more to this depending on how it all develops.
It's looking cold for Sunday so please keep an eye for posts of Facebook, Twitter and on email should things turn nasty and make things dangerous out there on the roads. As leader this week Mike, who lives out of town, will feedback on how things look on Sunday morning. 
This could well be the last time I post to the VC Walcot Group email as I'm in the process of setting a newsletter style communication using Mailchimp. I've migrated all club members' addresses over to this service and have a few templates under construction. If you are on this mailing list currently but not a member you will need to let me know if you still want to receive updates otherwise I will be cancelling all subscriptions to the current service. This is a long overdue change to meet increased requirements, especially with Odd Down Track so close now. 
It really is good times for the club at the moment. Thanks for the support everybody!
Have a great weekend,

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