[VC Walcot] Bath Cycle Races - Marshalling

Ian Savage outdoornut at btinternet.com
Mon May 2 04:43:14 EDT 2011

The Bath Cycle races are nearly upon us!  The first race this Wednesday!!


Having walked the course last week we need about 20 marshals to protect the
public during the races.  It is not expected that any one club will field
all the marshals for any one race, however the more the better. Ideally I
would like to get a minimum of 5 or more volunteers from the club for each


Marshals will need to be at Victoria Park circuit (between the golf course
and playground) at about 18:00 for a Marshals briefing shortly after, with
racing starting at 18:45. Duties will essentially involve asking members of
the public to wait before crossing the road if the race is approaching and
blowing a whistle as the race approaches, you obviously also get to see some
good racing :-)


Several of you kindly put your name forward in response to my previous
email, however I would be grateful if you would confirm your availability
including which dates (4th,11th, 18th or 25th May) you would be available.
I will then put your names forward 


If you don't fancy marshalling or cannot make the briefing, please come and
watch the racing which kicks off from 18:45. 


Many thanks in advance, if you have any questions do not hesitate to give me
a shout.






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