BathMTB: Just to let you know that..

Andy Stewart analogueandy at
Thu Mar 5 10:33:32 EST 2015

..the email list still works (but takes time as I have to approve every message because there's so many SPAM attempts every day)..
..And we're still riding every week. Richard, Kevin and I mostly with occasional Tav visits and Ollie too.
We're mostly riding 'Lanes' at the moment, about 40km with a good few hills in. Pub at the end mostly too. Cheesy Chips at the Hope and Anchor proving a regular down-fall...
In other news, my life has fallen apart.. Karina told me 3 weeks ago that our marriage is over. A whole pile of sh!t came out of that.. I'm currently living back with my parents.
I'm planning to put some posters out around the shops when the clocks go back (or is it forward?) at the end of March and perhaps get a bit more active on the Facebook page..
The Folly Flyers are now claiming that they are "Bath's Best MTB Club" plus there's now rides on a Monday (from Northend) Tuesday (from the Raven) and Tom might possibly be re-starting his Thursday night rides from Green Park in the summer too. All good, and I don't think we ever need to compete with anyone.. Or should we give up Weds Nights and combine with one of them???

Oh, and I'm off to America in June to do the RAAM (The Race Across..) 3,000 miles West to East over about 8-9 days. That should be fun. And possibly a good way to end my career with the MoD (who have stumped up £50,000 to pay for it).
Hope to see everyone out riding sometime soon.
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