BathMTB: It's Wednesday!

Chris Fice chris_fice at
Wed May 2 10:06:59 EDT 2012

I'm already missing the Wednesday night rides and very much appreciate the send off on Friday (less so on Saturday as Dave and Henry will attest to). 

I'll try and keep up the tradition of the Wednesday night ride once I'm back in Melbourne and hope one day to be able to show visitors from England around my local tracks. You're all welcome to come and visit. 

Finally good luck to all those racing tonight. My first Wednesday night ride coincided with the first crit last year - I'll add that story to Facebook one day soon. 


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+44 7548 672483
Aus mobile +61 450 650300
chris_fice at

On 2 May 2012, at 13:40, Andy Stewart <analogueandy at> wrote:

Cheers again Chris for Friday - been great having you along for the last year, keep in touch, we're gonna miss ya!
Great to see everyone. Wore me out a bit but felt much better for it :-)
Progress continues. Most importantly of all, at the risk of getting myself in even more trouble, (!) those who were there on Friday might have heard me say about one of the strange effects of the back injury I was worried about..
..well, I awoke in the middle of the night / early morning on Sunday and was very very pleased to discover that that bit of me does still work!! (Not up to trying it out yet but very much looking forward to it!!!!).
Tonight is the start of the Vicky Park Crits (every Weds in May). Not sure if Tav is racing, I know Tony is thinking about it. I'm planning to get there for a short while if I can. 
Be good to see some fat tyres if anyone is out and fancies rolling by that way at some point.
Any news from Will??

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